Three sets of swimming siblings
Teammates Camden’23 and Maclaryn’25 Leonard, Max’23 and Ben’25 Saladar, and Bea and Lulu Champeny-Johns’24 also all grew up swimming in the pools of the Stateline area.
Camden and Maclaryn attended schools over the Illinois border in South Beloit, but participated in a club team that practiced in the Beloit College’s Sports Center pool and, more recently, the Powerhouse’s natatorium. The Champeny-Johnses and Saladars swam together (along with fellow Beloit swimmer Nathan Sill’22) at Beloit Memorial High School before they joined the swim team at the college.
“I did consider another place, just to go somewhere else, but it didn’t have a swim team, and that’s ultimately something that I decided was important to me,” he says.
After logging around 10 years each on a club team and as lifeguards, Camden and his younger sister Maclaryn find that Beloit College (and its pools) has always felt like home.
With Ben and Max’s dad, Daryl, working in the Student Engagement and Leadership office, they shared a similar desire to swim at Beloit.
After three weeks at the first school, Lulu says she thought she’d have to wait for the next semester or take a gap year. “But my mom emailed Angi Oleson, director of Learning Enrichment and Disability Services], who said, ‘Your daughters can enroll within the next week.’ They were super supportive of my accommodation — I had a note-taker right there, I had an interpreter, I had contact with my professor. They were very understanding.”
Swimming and diving coach Kevin Schober also surprised the twins by getting a starting block with lights on it to help the swimmers start on time.
“Communication is key for all of us,” says Bea, who also commended her teammates for creating a positive atmosphere. “Coach is very understanding, and he pushes us and motivates us to keep going.”
But some things remain constant despite the pandemic: The team is tight-knit and finds commonality in shared experiences, spending workouts, dinners, and hard-fought meets together. Ben explains, “Being a student-athlete means you have to find a balance between sports, sleep, and school while at the same time getting to represent our college in our sport. It’s a tricky balance to find, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Photographs by Todd Anderbyrne.